contact Tony on 07702306670 / 01424 444385 email: tonyharris750@hotmail.com

After lunch and after dinner speaker Agency
Easy-Speak is an after lunch speaker agency for luncheon clubs, Women's Institute groups, Rotary clubs and other membership organisations.

Easy-speak is a United Kingdom agency for booking after-dinner speakers, corporate speakers, lecturers and entertainers. We can provide exciting talks and lectures on a wide variety of subjects.
We have been providing speakers to clubs and events for many years and the key to our success has been to remain relatively small and therefore offer a personal service focused on a select group of speakers who we work with regularly.
We work hard to assess all our speakers before they go out to represent us and we also follow up each talk to find out how they’ve performed.
Our talent register includes after-dinner speakers, after-lunch speakers, lecturers, conference facilitators or presenters, comedians and entertainers talking on a range of subjects including personal achievement, arts, ceramics, environmental issues, fashion, films, history, horticulture, literature, media, music, theatre, and travel.
Easy Speak is run by Elizabeth Muir-Lewis and Terry Pridmore (both pictured, right) who both live in Eastbourne, East Sussex.