contact Tony on 07702306670 / 01424 444385 email: tonyharris750@hotmail.com

After lunch and after dinner speaker Agency
Easy-Speak is an after lunch speaker agency for luncheon clubs, Women's Institute groups, Rotary clubs and other membership organisations.
In 1997 Victoria and her mother Sue were part of a world record breaking relay expedition as members of the first all women’s expedition to the North Pole. The team skied into the Guinness Book of Records on May 26th 1997, were voted Women of the Year and Sue and Victoria have since written a book about their experiences called ‘Frigid Women’.
Sue was born in 1946. Following school and a year in Paris, she did a bilingual secretarial course, and worked in London for six months as a very inefficient secretary! In 1967, she married Jeremy, three children followed, Victoria, Philip, and Edward. Sue ran a catering business in the early eighties, doing weddings, 21st’s and business lunches for twenty years. She decided to change her career after breast cancer, completing a TEFL course. She taught English to foreign students at home, two weeks of lessons, gastronomic food and culture. An Open University degree followed which was six years of hard slog. Sue now lectures to a huge variety of people about her various travels, whether they are small groups, big companies or passengers on a cruise ship. She loves travelling, especially on horses or bikes!
Victoria Riches (Humphries) was born in 1970 - she was head girl at her school and the first pupil to achieve the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award. After leaving school, she taught in Canada for a year and then went to Newcastle University to read Politics. This was followed by a short spell as a trainee manager at Marks & Spencer plc and three years as a recruitment consultant for Angela Mortimer plc in London. Following the North Pole expedition, she left London and trained as a Primary school teacher. For nine years Victoria taught part time whilst also running her own company as a public speaking and life coach and event organiser.
More information at: www.anythingispossible.co.uk/

Journey to the North Pole
A one to one and a half hour inspirational talk (can be illustrated) telling 'our' story - the highs and lows of the expedition - our selection and training, navigation, coping with a potentially fatal accident, the struggle to find a runway, readjusting to life back home. -
Key Skills for Businesses
Using the North Pole expedition as a basis, this talk focuses on the importance of team work, self improvement, motivation, honesty and understanding in order to succeed in business. -
After Dinner Speech
A ten minute to half an hour after dinner speech (can be illustrated). -
School Talks
Whether we are talking to a reception class or a sixth form, we have always found that children ask the most pertinent questions. Our talks give the children an opportunity to try on our clothes, see the food we ate and ask a range of questions e.g. Did you see Father Christmas? What did it feel like when your mother fell in? How do you survive in those extreme conditions?
Other talks include: -
Seven Days In Tibet
Riding with the Mongolian Nomads
A Month in Petra
Intrepid Women