contact Tony on 07702306670 / 01424 444385 email: tonyharris750@hotmail.com

After lunch and after dinner speaker Agency
Easy-Speak is an after lunch speaker agency for luncheon clubs, Women's Institute groups, Rotary clubs and other membership organisations.
Peter started in broadcasting whilst still at Oxford University back in the 60s and became a sports reporter in the days of the BBC Home Service. But his early claim to fame came whilst working for ATV in Birmingham when he invented a children's programme called Tiswas and presented it with Chris Tarrant for four years.
He went on to run a number of commercial radio stations, and founded SAGA Radio in 2001 to provide a radio station for the 50+ population of the West Midlands. The famous Birmingham Children's Hospital made him a Director in 2005 and he created The Red Balloon Appeal two years later. Peter became The High Sheriff of the County of West Midlands from 2007 - 2008 and is now a Deputy Lieutenant.

From Tiswas to SAGA to The Children's (also known as From
Paediatrics to Geriatrics and back)
A year in the life of a High Sheriff
If there are more of us over 60 than under 16, why do we still have a youth culture?