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After lunch and after dinner speaker Agency
Easy-Speak is an after lunch speaker agency for luncheon clubs, Women's Institute groups, Rotary clubs and other membership organisations.
Patricia Wright qualified as a Chartered Surveyor and later studied by open learning at London University, gaining a first class honours degree in History.
She has published a number of articles and books, both fiction and non-fiction, including one which won the Georgette Heyer Historical Novel prize. Another became alternate Book Society Choice in America.
Patricia has taught part-time and served for sixteen years as a County Councillor. Her talks are aimed to amuse as well as to interest a variety of audiences, and can be adjusted to suit particular needs. All are normally given without illustration, but slides are available if required.
Strange Tales and Ghosts from Buckingham Palace's past - An amusing hour with the unexpected.
Royal London - An entertaining tour through the past including St James's, Whitehall, Westminster, as well as Buckingham Palace.
Meet your Medieval Ancestors - fashion, flirting, feasting and insights, all bringing our predecessors to life.
Upstairs and downstairs on an old landed estate - personal recollections from a now vanishing world.
The Wonderful Mediterranean: cradle of civilizations - A fascinating tour through this unique meeting place of peoples and cultures. Particularly suitable for cruises.
Only Yesterday : The courts of Europe before Victoria - For centuries these formed a stage for extravagance, power, patronage of the arts - and back-stabbing.
A European Treasure Trail - Sit back and enjoy some supreme achievements, from architecture to jewellery, manuscripts to embroidery. (This talk does need slides)