contact Tony on 07702306670 / 01424 444385 email: tonyharris750@hotmail.com

After lunch and after dinner speaker Agency
Easy-Speak is an after lunch speaker agency for luncheon clubs, Women's Institute groups, Rotary clubs and other membership organisations.
I have a number of different lectures/presentations. I can deliver these in any length from 20 to 60 minutes. I am an accomplished presenter who is conversant with powerpoint presentations. I am equally at home presenting with no reliance on technology.
Current titles are:
My Life in Prison – Governor, an impossible job.
My Life in Prison – It’s no fun being a prisoner.
The sometimes secret history of an English Prison in Essex - Its surprising connections.
The Real Porridge – A look back at that fabulous TV series and why it is still relevant today.
Prison Line of duty – A real life operation to trap corrupt officers of the law.

An accomplished and entertaining presenter who speaks about my experiences as a Prison Governor. Analyst and commentator for prison stories on behalf of local and national BBC.
An inclusive, and engaging, presentational style that ensures maximum audience participation and inter-action. A flexible delivery style that meets audience needs, be they a small intimate dinner party for 15 people, or a substantial theatre audience of many hundreds.
Appropriate use of humour and anecdotes to ensure the audience is both informed and entertained.
Media Profile
Regular commentator on prisons. I have appeared live on BBC 1 and BBC News Channel TV, Anglia and West Midlands TV, various BBC Local radio stations, BBC Radio 4, BBC Radio 5 live. Writer for national criminal justice magazine.
Regular presenter at a whole host of community and professional groups, which include, Rotary, ProBus, Women’s Institute, u3a, Soroptimist UK, NHS, HM Courts, UK Police, Students. Very high referral rate and return invitations.
I have written for a number of magazines. Subjects included criminal justice, local community matters, business, military life and sport. I have facilitated and tutored creative writing groups and have won prizes in a national short story writing competitions.
Qualified adult education tutor, substantial experience of delivery to wide range of audience groups. Set up, established, and delivered “Learning to be retired” group and presented the course for U3A in Essex.