contact Tony on 07702306670 / 01424 444385 email: tonyharris750@hotmail.com

After lunch and after dinner speaker Agency
Easy-Speak is an after lunch speaker agency for luncheon clubs, Women's Institute groups, Rotary clubs and other membership organisations.

Amanda Bryett worked for a major pharmaceutical company specialising in vaccines. As company media spokesperson, she appeared regularly on radio, TV and in the written press. Now running her own company specialising in presentation skills training, Amanda continues to be in demand as an entertaining, passionate and knowledgeable speaker who is able to bring to life the fascinating history of vaccination.
Amanda is also an elite registered Blue Badge tourist guide for London and Windsor. Blue Badge guides undergo extensive training, examination and are the only guides able to guide in sites such as Windsor Castle, Westminster Abbey and the Tower of London. From small groups to coach loads of teenagers, Amanda has some hilarious stories to tell regarding tourists' view of London, the monarchy and the UK.
The History of Vaccination
Come on a journey of the history of vaccination. Discover that the first attempt at vaccination was brought into the UK by an 18th century female aristocrat and how George III's son died as a result of the procedure. Hear about the country doctor who unlocked the key to the dreaded disease of smallpox by looking closely at his milkmaids and how over the next two hundred years other killer diseases were conquered. Plus, all your questions answered on the vaccines we receive today.
Royal Flush
The fascinating story of how the British line of royal succession has changed over the centuries by something as innocuous as an infectious disease. Smallpox saw the fall of the Stuart dynasty in the 18th century and three Kings were not born to be monarchs - their elder brothers died of typhoid and influenza. Hear the amazing stories of how the royal family were treated by doctors over the centuries and how one King who died of tuberculosis was propped up dead at a place window while the powers that be argued over who should succeed him.
The Perils and Pleasures of a Blue Badge Tourist Guide
An entertaining talk looks at guiding tourists from around the world through all the major London and Windsor tourist sights, the rigorous training required for a guide and the tools of the trade. Plus of course, the questions no training can ever prepare you for: "Is the UK in Wales?" "Is that guard real?" and "Why did the Queen Mother abdicate in1952?"
Covent Garden Ladies
Nell Gwynn, Emma Hamilton, Mrs Jordan, Eliza Doolittle, Ellen Terry, Lily Langtry and …. Jane Austen. Yes, Jane Austen. How does she fit into being a Covent Garden lady? Find out in this fascinating illustrated history of the women who found fame and fortune in the very heart of London’s West End – Covent Garden. And discover the incredible 18th century publication called ‘Covent Garden Ladies’ which listed the virtues and vices of the hundreds of women who didn’t quite find the fame and fortune they wanted…….
Amanda Bryett is a London Blue Badge tourist guide who on researching walks around this part of London has discovered some incredible stories of famous and some not quite so famous ‘ladies’ of Covent Garden.All Amanda's talks can be illustrated if requested.